
Automate the boring stuff

Help desk systems exist to make sure you can process your incoming support requests and enquires as efficiently as possible. The last thing you want on a busy system is for agents to be spending time doing menial tasks like making sure things are tagged correctly or typing out the same replies to common questions. Issuebear has two solutions to this problem - Canned Responses and Rules, both of which can be combined to help automate the boring stuff and make sure that both agents and customers are kept happy.

Canned Responses let you create blocks of text that your agents can use to quickly respond to a ticket. You may have set a target to provide a first response to tickets within a specific timeframe, and you can use this feature to write several ticket acknowledgement responses that agents can use to quickly reply. Or you may get common questions about products or how a user can complete a certain task. Setting up a canned response with the answer, complete with links to the relevant knowledge base articles, can help you deal with issues faster, and ensure that your customers always get the correct information, no matter which agent replies.

With Rules, you can take this a step further and start automating not only responses, but other ticket updates too. Let’s say you get a new ticket containing both the word “buy” and the name of your best-selling “captain america lamp” in their message. Using rules, you can look out for these keywords and automatically send a reply with more information, or add tags to the ticket to say it’s a potential sale. Ticket rules can also perform multiple actions, so you can automatically post a reply, change the status, update a tag, and send a notification all at once.

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Rules Features

Canned Responses

Agents can quickly search through and insert your canned responses from the reply form.

Canned Responses

Agents can quickly search through and insert your canned responses from the reply form.

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