Why Issuebear?

The friendly support bear is always there for you

Everything you need

We’ve worked on help desks, we’ve run help desk teams, we’ve seen what it takes to do that successfully. We’ve used other systems, and they were all enterprise-focused, overly complex, and locked seemingly common features behind layers of plugin installation and configuration. For a small team trying to move away from email, they're all too much. That's why we made Issuebear come with everything you need to run a successful help desk operation, without needing to jump through hoops or put your staff through six-week training programs on how to use it.

Simple not basic

Neither your support agents or customers want to use something that’s confusing or hard to navigate. It’s a poor reflection on your own business. We work hard to achieve simplicity across Issuebear by building and testing and iterating until everything feels natural and can be understood by your team and your customers. But that doesn’t mean we have a basic feature set. With team assignments, service level agreements, scheduled hours, a knowledge base for your documentation, extensive rule automation and more – Issuebear is easy to use, but is a fully featured help desk application.

The little things

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference. Issuebear has been designed to make communication between your customers and agents an experience everyone is happy with. No tiny fonts, no buttons with weird icons you can’t decipher and no Javascript heavy pages which take ages to load. We have a back button which really takes you back, pages with real URLs you can share with colleagues and ticket lists which you scan for the information you need without horizontal scrolling and data hidden behind mouse hovers. Compared to most web applications, we think you’ll find us a breath of fresh air.

Bear Hugs

Ironically, the support given by most help desk software operators is terrible. They want to show you how to run a help desk, but they can’t do it themselves. Or they want to take your money, but never listen to what you actually need, leaving you with a substandard product that doesn’t meet your requirements. We’re different. Not only will we provide you with excellent customer service, but we’re also keen to listen. Tell us what would make your life easier, what would help you delight your own customers, and we’ll do our best to talk to you like a human.

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...for 14 days, then just $19 per agent per month

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