Make a promise to your customers, and show that you’ve kept it

A Service Level Agreement, or SLA, is an agreement between you and your customers that you will answer tickets that meet specific criteria in an agreed timeframe. SLAs are not only an important tool for your own business, but can also act as a competitive advantage when signing contracts with more demanding customers. Issuebear lets you create multiple SLA levels such as Bronze, Silver, and Gold, create separate targets for different types of ticket within those levels, and then assign them to an Inbox or a customer organisation.

You can set ticket targets based on the type, category, impact or urgency, which means you can do things like offer an SLA on Urgent Bug tickets, but not offer one at all on Feature Requests. Or maybe you want to respond within 48 hours to Sales Enquiries for one product and 72 hours for another, so your internal sales team knows what’s expected of them. Once you’ve matched an SLA to a ticket, you can optionally set a timer on how quickly you provide a first response, how often an agent needs to respond after a customer reply, how often you’ll update a ticket, and how quickly you hope to resolve it.

Our SLA reporting allows both you and your customers to see that targets are being met. You can choose the date range, the organisation you want to check for and the ticket properties that are most important to you, and then get a real-time report on the total number of tickets, how many have breached your SLAs, and a breakdown of your target and achieved percentages. Need to reply to critical tickets with a first response within 30 minutes 95% of the time? Quickly see how well you performed.

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SLAs Features

Multiple Criteria

Target the tickets that should have an SLA applied. Eg. urgent tickets in your “bugs” ticket type.

Multiple Targets

SLAs can have multiple targets, such as first response time or next reply time. Provide a success percentage to score yourself against.

Multiple Criteria

Target the tickets that should have an SLA applied. Eg. urgent tickets in your “bugs” ticket type.

Multiple Targets

SLAs can have multiple targets, such as first response time or next reply time. Provide a success percentage to score yourself against.

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...for 14 days, then just $19 per agent per month

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